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Let's Talk Crypto, Grandma 🖖👵🏼

Let's Talk Crypto, Grandma 🖖👵🏼

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If you’re wondering how to explain your NFT (*ahem* Yat) obsession to your Grandma at Thanksgiving, you’re in the right place. And, if you don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, you can save this sage advice for any other gathering of friends, family, or - well - normies.

Hey, we’ve all been there. From digital wallets to Bored Apes, there’s a lot to talk about. Let’s get you through a meal without sounding like a crazy person who just escaped from a cult, shall we?

Ditch the Crazy Crypto Lingo

Everyone starts somewhere, and crypto lingo is not exactly translatable to normies. Put yourself in your Grandma’s slippers before tossing up a wild word salad. Okay? Now take a deep breath, and let’s begin. 🤪

Use the Internet as Your Friend

The internet (when used correctly) connects people when they can’t be in person. Grandma loves this because life wasn’t always like that. Remind her about your family video chats (you do call her, right?), easy online shopping, and anything else she might use. Well, anything else but Facebook, unless you tell her to ditch the old surveillance beast. 🤢

Look, Grandma. It’s Me!

People have found ways to make digital things - pictures, videos, and (now) emoji strings - one-of-a-kind. Sure, you can take a picture of a picture, but you can never re-create the original. And that is why everyone is so excited about Yats. For the first time, you can use a string of emojis to prove that you are one-of-a-kind on the internet. And Grandma will always think you are precious! 🥺

Insert Intermission and Pass the Bread

Grandma may be nodding her head at this point and pretending to understand. That’s a good sign. It means she wants to know more about what has you so excited. So, relish that moment and pass the bread to keep things easy and low-key. 🤗

At this point, you’ve won. See how we didn’t mention any fancy words to explain this stuff? If you do, Grandma will secretly turn off her hearing aid and you will deserve it. Okay, moving on…

And Now, the Reveal

You are a champ to make it this far. Remember your first time learning about Yats or NFTs or crypto? It’s a lot all at once. If a tryptophan coma hasn’t set in yet, show Grandma your Yat page. Or browse the world of NFTs together on OpenSea. Maybe Grandma will even want a Yat of her own, like 🚀🦄🔥🐉!


We hope you make the most of your time together at Thanksgiving, or any other moment you share with your people. We are grateful for this incredible community - here’s to tasty turkey with all the sides and getting back to the, er, Internet grind when we return! 😼

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