Our current list includes 466 emoji based on the following criteria:
- Supported on Android 9.0 Pie (2018) and iOS 13.1 (2019) devices and newer. We've limited our set to emoji that work on any phone bought in the past few years. There are some awesome newer emoji, but they're only available to people with newer smartphones, and appear as an ugly black box to everyone else, which we don't think is very inclusive!
- Is NOT a “multiple gender” emoji. This means any emoji with a person’s face and/or full body is not supported. Multiple gender emoji have some technical restrictions that we are working to support in the near future.
- “Skin tone modifiers” are A-OK. Soon, Yat owners will be able to choose the desired skin tone to be displayed for any emoji in their Yat! ✌🏾
- Reduce confusion between similar emoji by selecting one or none. If there are two or more emoji with a similar name, description, visual quality, or color variation, choose only one or none. For example, 🐶 was chosen over 🐕, ✊ over 👊, ❤️ over all other heart colors, and ⛰ over 🏔, 🌋 and 🏞.
- Mindful of phishing vulnerabilities. Emoji are selected based on their potential for phishing attacks. For example, a popular Yat with 😵 in it could be easily spoofed by a similar Yat with 😯 in it; so only one of these two emoji were selected.
For a more detailed description of our emoji selection guidelines, you can visit the overview in our API documents here.
Don’t See Your Favorite Emoji or Have Feedback?
We’d love to know what you think of our emoji set!
Use this form to send feedback or let us know about an emoji you’d like to see us add to our list.