The Magic Mirror Has Returned
Peer into the Mirror
The time has come for the Magic Mirror to bless the world with its wondrous Gems once again. We are thrilled that the Mirror has been rediscovered by the gentleman and scholar Cozomo de Medici. 🤯
🪞💎 What are Gems?
Thousands of years ago, receiving a precious Gem from the Magic Mirror meant you accomplished something incredible, like climbing Mount Everest in silk slippers or sailing across the Atlantic in a colorful canoe.
But today, Gems mean a whole lot more. 👇
💥 Bring your on-chain history to life
How many people know about the big 🧠 moves you make in NFTs? Well, Gems are the first step in a revolutionary journey towards The New Yat, where your on-chain history is woven into a rich tapestry of stories about your feats that you may share with friends and foes alike 🤯
As the Mirror grows in power and the portal to the New Yat grows closer, more Gems will be forged and great secrets about our epic destination will be revealed.
Don’t miss the fun and come celebrate the return of the Magic Mirror with us by finding out if you’re worthy of the Magic Mirror’s first gift.
Consult the Compendium of Gems for all Gems released to date.